Your designated vCIO “Virtual Chief Information Officer” will work with you to analyse potential IT opportunities and risks in your business, align your IT strategy with your business goals, plan for the future with your budget in mind, and help you make informed decisions about your IT.
Strategic Planning and Support: A dedicated virtual CIO will help you strategically plan for current and future IT goals, keeping your infrastructure within your needs and budget, while also making sure you have room to grow. Whether you are trying to maintain your existing network or putting new infrastructure for your new business in place, Tycom will work with you to build a plan that works for you.
Regular Analysis of IT Reports: Our Centralised Services team will monitor your company’s network closely to identify areas that are working well and areas that may have room for improvement. We will compile information collected through our monitoring software, Network Administrator observations, and surveys of your team and turn this information into useful reports.
Quarterly IT Reviews: Each quarter we will conduct a strategic meeting with key members of your team to discuss what our goals will be for the upcoming quarter and to measure how we did on goals for the previous quarter. This meeting will set the stage for any major projects or change in direction and will give our team the opportunity to get on the same page.
Budget Planning: Making sure your IT spending doesn’t break the bank is a key priority for your vCIO. We’ll help you determine areas in your technology estate that are worth investing in and areas where cost can be cut. We will also assist in budget planning for future projects so we can plan for growth without costly surprises.